Forest Edge Farm
55 Forest Edge Drive Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087 609.709.9296

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Warmest Farewell Wishes to JoHanna...
A glimpse into the last three years of your life with us. We hope that you have gained as much from everyone at Forest Edge as we have gained from you. In 3 years you taught so many how to ride young and old alike. You took Allie and Brie to IEA Western Nationals, Daniel to Hunt Seat Zones, the entire Hunt Seat Team qualified for Zones this year along with Hailey and Amanda qualifying for Individual Zones. In the 3 years of coaching both the IEA Western and Hunt Seat Teams, individuals and teams (twice) qualified for Regionals. You are a lovely person and will be greatly missed. May your life be as sweet as you are.......Love, Ursula, Mary Jo, and everyone from Forest Edge including beasts:-)